I want it all...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goal Setting In July

Hey everyone,

Can you believe its already July? We are already half way through the year and half way through summer break, craziness! I know we make resolutions at the beginning of the year but along the way things change, we may have a switch in our life, or  switch in our priorities. Near the end of each month, I sit down and make 3-4 goals for the next month, sometimes they are really small things and sometimes they are life altering. It helps give me purpose and direction for the next month. I am going to share my goals to maybe help inspire you and also keep me accountable.


Prior to my second pregnancy and my horrible ongoing bout with plantar fasciitis, I used to love to run. I ran track in high school and in college and it became my "me time" so to speak. Running just helps me clear my mind and releases stress. This month, I want to force myself to get out there and run again. If I run 4 to 5 times a week about 2.5-3 miles each time, then I will hit 50 miles before the month is over. If you aren't a runner, you could also do your 50 miles walking in July.


I used to compete in fitness competitions and when I did, it forced me to be extremely me organized with my food and meal planning. I am a very competitive person so whenever I don't have something I am striving for I tend to fall off the wagon a bit. We also have really hectic schedules so it is easy to get used to eating on the run. I am hoping to force myself to get back on the wagon and get better with planning our meals so we can get back to eating better.


This might seen like a simple goal but being a mom to a really active 8 year old and a 1 year old is extremely time consuming and takes up every free second I have each day. I love to read and I am one of those people that truly begins to get consumed in the books I read. I would like to take the time this month even if its just 30 min a couple days a week to let myself enjoy something that I never take the time to do any more.


As you can probably tell from all of my previous posts lol, I have a hard time taking time for myself. I love blogging and I think of it as my virtual journal, whether one person reads it or 200 people, I really don't mind either way. There are always a million things on my mind that I want to blog and share on my YouTube channel but I rarely make the time to do stuff like that. I want to try to blog at least a couple times each week but more if possible. 

I hope you all are having a great week so far and that this post inspires you to set your own goals for the month of July!



  1. That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I will start my goals tomorrow with walking once a day and preparing meals. What are some good things to eat?


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