I want it all...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Hey Everyone,

           Back a little later tonight, my oldest son was sick today and I had to pick him up from school so now that I have both of the boys in bed, I have time to blog. I wanted to post a short blog about memory jars. I made a post about one a couple years ago and attached a link to a free printable for it. This year I don't have a printable but its pretty easy to make your own and decorate it how it suits you. Its still early on in the year so its a great time to make one and document anything that has happened in the first few days. 
           All you need is a big mason jar, a larger piece of paper taped to the inside or outside of the jar saying something like 2016 memories, grateful jar, etc..., and small pieces of paper next to it, to write on and drop in the jar as the year progresses.
           Every time something good happens to anyone in the family, that person writes it on one of the papers you leave by the jar, folds it up, and drops it in the jar. Then at the end of the year or the 1st of the new year (we do it on new years eve as a family); you read all the good things that have happened this year out loud as a family. Its a great time to sit and be appreciative for all the ways you have been blessed in the past year and helps you enter the new year with a grateful heart. I hope you guys make one, please let me know if you do. I'll take a picture of our memory jar on snapchat tomorrow so if you don't follow me there, please do (username: SheriGaskins)  



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