I hope you guys are having or had a great Thursday!
This week has been a germy one for the Gaskins' household. The hubby is out of town and I am here with two sick kiddos. My oldest has the flu and with his asthma the two aren't a good mix. I have to give him treatments every 4 hours around the clock and continue to watch his respirations and breathing so I haven't been sleeping too much. The baby had his flu shot so he just has a cold, needless to say its a been a lot going on here.
Of course as a mom, our first priority tends to be our kids and we always put them first no matter what we may need for ourselves. In the midst of whatever is going on with the kiddos, it's important to take a little time for yourself even if its just 15 minutes out the day. I promise taking time for yourself will make you a better wife and a better mommy.
Here are a few quick things I like to do for a little pick me up:
1. A facial mask: I have been loving doing a mask to remove and one to replenish after. Lately, I have been loving the Origins Clear Improvement Mask followed by the Origins Drink Up Mask (not sponsored just love them).
2. My hair: I have a friend that always says whenever she feels bad she washes and does her hair. I really agree, washing my hair and then blow drying it always makes me look fresh and in turn helps me feel better.
3. Doing a short workout: A quick 15 minute workout on the treadmill always makes me feel better. Lately, I will do 5 sets of this if I only have a few minutes to spare:
2 min run at 6 or 6.5
1 min sprint at 8.5
Pick an incline that is challenging for you but you can still finish.
4. I love writing lists, journaling, or writing in my planner. I try to keep a notebook by my bed so I can take a few minutes to write a little something before bed. I love the 5 year one line a day journal. Such a cool way to write a quick note about the day and compare over 5 years when you're all done.
I know there is always laundry, dishes to be washed or something to clean, but Rome wasn't built in a day so give yourself a break and make sometime for yourself. You will be a better person because of it.

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